Demo List
During the ISWC conference, we will be hosting a number of quality demonstrations for attendees to try out in areas related to wearable computers. See the conference schedule to find out the exact times of the demos.
Canergie Melon Wearable Group - Carnegie Melon University - Asim Smailagic |
Tinmith: Mobile Outdoor Augmented Reality Modeling Demonstration - University of South Austrilia - Wayne Piekarski and Bruce Thomas |
Digital MP Software and Multi-functional Micro-controllable Interface Module (MMIM) Headset - MicroOptical Engineering Corporation and Natick Soldier Systems Center - Noa M. Rensing |
LightGlove, Virtual Human Input Device - Harmonic Research Labs - Bruce Howard |
An Aural User Interface for Ubiquitous Computing - Sharp Laboratories of America - Georges Borden |
A Walk in the Wireless woods - University of Bristol / Hewlett Packard - Randel C. |
Computer based text entry for Wearable Computing - Middle East Technical University and Bilkent University - Enis Cetin |
Agent Augmented Reality and Visualizing Maya Cities on-site - Fun House Films - Tom Sephton |
Parasitic humanoid - University of Tokyo - Maki Sugimoto |
AR Military Trainer - Information In Place - Sonny Kirkley |
ARCHEOGUIDE - INTRACOM S.A / IGD / ZGDV / CCG / A&C2000 / Hellenic Ministry of Culture - Vassilios Vlahakis |
A Wearable Communication Modulator - Toyo University - Soichiro Matsushita |
Wearable Interactive Physical Avatars - U. Toronto, Dept. C.S. - Andrea Fisher |
A Public Wearable Display to Facilitate Informal Interactions - Simon Fraser University / Dalhousie University - Keith Shu, Kori Inkpen, Stella Atkins |
Scurry Keyboard - A New Wearable Input Device - Wearable Computer Project Team, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology - Sang-Goog LEE, Kwang-Woon LEE, Tae-sik PARK, Joon-Ki KIM |