Poster List
During the ISWC 2002 conference, there will be a poster session to allow poster authors to present their work to ISWC attendees. See the conference schedule to find out the exact times of this session.
Efficient Image Segmentation of Walking Hazards Using IR Illumination in Wearable
Low Vision Aids - C. M. Lee, K. E. Schroder, and E. J. Seibel
Development and Demonstration of Wearable Computer Based Interactive Nomadic Gallery - A. Hiyama, R. Ueoka, K. Hirota, M. Hirose, M. Sone, and T. Kawamura
Use of a See-Through Head-Worn Display of Patient Monitoring Data to Enhance Anesthesiologists Response to Abnormal Clinical Events - D. F. Ormerod, B. Ross, and A. Naluai-Cecchini
AMON: A Wearable Medical Computer for High Risk Patients - P. Lukowicz, U. Anliker, J. Ward, G. Tröster, E. Hirt, and C. Neufelt
Defect Distribution for Wearable System Design - J. G. Dorsey and D. P. Siewiorek
Online Power Monitoring for Wearable Systems - J. G. Dorsey and D. P. Siewiorek
Bridging the Gap between Virtual and Physical Games Using Wearable Sensors - S. Antifakos and B. Schiele
Toward the Zero Attention Interface: Wearable Subliminal Cuing for Short Term Memory Support - R. W. DeVaul and A. Pentland
An Aural User Interface for Ubiquitous Computing - G. R. Borden IV
Wearable Robotics as a Behavioral Interface - The Study of the Parasitic Humanoid - T. Maeda, H. Ando, M. Sugimoto, J. Watanabe, and T. Miki
Threat Response: A Compelling Application for Wearable Computing - N. M. Rensing, E. Weststrate, P. M. Zavracky, M. Chandler, K. R. Nobel, S. Helfter, M. Kinsky, M. Gold, and B. Martin
A Pair of Braille-Based Chord Gloves - M.-C. Cho, K.-H. Park,
S.-H. Hong, J. W. Jeon, S. I. Lee, H. Choi,
and H.-G. Choi
Game-City: A Ubiquitous Large Area Multi-Interface Mixed Reality Game Space for Wearable Computers - A. D. Cheok, F. S. Wan, X. Yang, W. Weihua, L. M. Huang, M. Billinghurst, and H. Kato
A Context Visualization Model for Wearable Computers - A. Aaltonen
VECASA Virtually Enhanced Communication Assistance System for Application of Wearable Computing in Motor Racing - G. Kaefer, G. Prochart, and R. Weiss
VizWear-Active: Towards a Functionally-Distributed Architecture for Real-Time Visual Tracking and Context-Aware UI - T. Kato, T. Kurata, and K. Sakaue
A Menu Interface for Wearable Computing - G. Blaskó and S. Feiner
A Wearable Communication Modulator - S. Matsushita